5 Tips for Postpartum Self Care

Momma's, you've never needed self-care as much as you do now. It's especially hard to take some time away from your new baby, but the pros outweigh the cons. The second you hear those first cries from your baby, life changes as you know it. Self-care may be on the backburner, but from time to time you still need to treat yourself! Here's some easy ways to take care of yourself as a new mom:
Go for a stroll, even if you bring your little one with! Breathe in that fresh air and soak up some vitamin D. Don't make it about losing your baby weight.
If you include bath time in your little ones bedtime routine, why not include one in your's? If you're able to, sneak away for a soak in the tub with epsom salt and a good book.
You don't have to run out to the massage parlor for pain relief. Although your new baby is small, carrying them around so much can add extra tension to your back. Set your baby in a rocker and stretch it out. You can also use a foam roller or tennis ball for myofascial release.
Don't compare yourself to other momma's. Mental health is just as important as your physical health! What one mother is doing, may not be what is best for you. You do you, even if that means staying off social media for awhile! Shake self-doubt and boost your self-esteem with daily mantras! If you are experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression, seek help from a medical professional.
Treat yourself...and nourish yourself. It's what inside that matters most! No one cares if you are in sweats and a messy bun all day. Make sure you are taking care of your health more than anything. This is especially important if you are breastfeeding and requiring extra nutrients for baby. Load up on fruit, veggies, proteins and grains. Maybe even indulge in a little dark chocolate. Did some say charcuterie board?
Don't think of it as selfish to take time for your well being! Practicing self-love also sets the example for your little ones. Motherhood is all about balance. Make it a priority to add yourself to the equation.
Now that you've spent time caring for yourself, check out these 4 Tips for Newborn Hygiene!
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About the Author

Courtney Ticen - Guest Blogger
Courtney, a member of the Nanobébé team, is a new mom herself living in Charleston, SC. She and her family enjoy adventuring around the world, giving back and spending time in nature.