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8 Ways to Improve Your Baby's Sleep Without Sleep Training

Explore non-traditional methods for improving your baby's sleep without relying on conventional sleep training.

Aileen Dunbar

Pediatric Sleep Specialist

Becoming a new parent means you get a lot of advice, especially about how your baby sleeps. People usually think sleep training is the only way to make your baby sleep well on their own. As a Baby-Led Sleep and Well-Being Specialist, I want to share 8 different ways to help your baby sleep better without sleep training. Let's check them out!

  1. Adjust the sleep environment: Each baby is unique, so experiment with different aspects of their sleeping space to see what helps. Consider temperature, light, and noise. Maintain a comfortable room temperature, expose your baby to natural light during the day, and use a white noise machine to block out loud noises.

  2. Pick the right time for naps and bedtime: Getting the timing right for naps and bedtime is super important. Look for signs that your baby is either too tired or not tired enough, like if they're fussing a lot or having trouble calming down. Change the nap and bedtime times to match their needs.

  3. Establish calming routines: Bedtime routines are essential for signaling to your baby that it's time to sleep. Find soothing activities that work for your baby, such as rocking, singing lullabies, or a warm bath. Consistent routines create a positive association with sleep and reduce stress.

  4. Investigate underlying issues: Sometimes, medical conditions can impact your baby's sleep. Consider tongue tie, iron deficiency, or food intolerances. Consult with professionals to identify and address any potential underlying issues.

  5. Improve your own sleep habits: Take care of yourself to improve your ability to handle sleep deprivation. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid caffeine and electronics before bed, and consume sleep-inducing foods or drinks. Prioritize sleep whenever possible.

  6. Be open to different sleeping arrangements: People have ideas about where and how babies should sleep, but it's important to understand that all babies are different. Some may prefer short naps and others may sleep better near you in their bassinet. Do what you feel works best for you and your baby.

  7. Consider daytime naps: Once your baby develops a circadian rhythm, monitor their daytime sleep to ensure it's not affecting their nighttime sleep. Balance the amount of daytime sleep to promote longer stretches at night.

  8. Meet your baby's sensory needs: Each baby has unique sensory needs. Pay attention to signs of overstimulation or under stimulation and adjust their daily activities accordingly. This can help reduce nap and bedtime battles.

Remember, there are alternative ways to improve your baby's sleep without sleep training. By adjusting the sleep environment, timing naps and bedtime correctly, establishing calming routines, addressing underlying issues, improving your own sleep habits, being flexible, monitoring daytime sleep, and meeting sensory needs, you can optimize your baby's sleep experience. Sweet dreams!

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Aileen Dunbar

One of my goals as a Baby-Led Sleep and Well-Being Specialist is to show you that you can optimize your baby’s sleep without resorting to sleep training! I hope this post provided you with this reassurance and ideas of things to try. If you would like individualized support with improving your baby’s sleep without sleep training, book your free 15-minute discovery call here to see how I can support you with your particular situation.

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