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Nicole’s IVF Journey, Part 2: Pregnancy & Post-Partum Self-Care

Read about the challenges of pregnancy and the importance of self-care. Nicole shares her encourages readers to practice pampering yourself during pregnancy.

Nicole Brodie

Guest Blogger

*Note: This is Part 2 of Nicole's Journey. Click below to read the other posts in this series.
Part 1: From Infertility to Twins
Part 3: An Interview With a Mom of Newborns

As any pregnant woman would know, pregnancy, and even the journey to pregnancy, can be an interesting, and often, overwhelming time. Whether you needed treatment to conceive (like myself), suffered morning sickness, or had to endure common pains, like heartburn or Sciatica, just the strain of pregnancy on our bodies in general is enough to leave you feeling “not quite yourself”, and sometimes, far from it!

What I have learned along the way is to be forever grateful for what our bodies are capable of, and to say “thank you”. To stop and really appreciate the miracles that we are creating. In doing so, sometimes that means giving back to our bodies.

I recently treated myself to a pregnancy massage, as part of a new initiative for myself, and one that I am sharing with the new Fit Fab & Healthy group. It means, each Sunday (whether pregnant or not), we take the time to do something special for ourselves. Because, let’s face it, we’re worth it!

Whether you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, postpartum or a busy mama – we ALL deserve it. We are stronger than we realize, sometimes, and credit is certainly due!

When we love ourselves, it’s not only teaching our children the importance of self-love, but damn – it feels good! I was in total bliss after the massage. I enjoyed every second. From the beautiful chat with the therapist, to the scent of the oils that sent me into pure heaven and relaxation, to now – where I can reflect and share my experience with you. To remind you that YOU are worth giving yourself some self-love and self-care.

You don’t even need to spend a lot of time or money. There are a lot of things that one can do, such as, go to the salon for a mani/pedi or a new hairstyle, give yourself a natural home facial – even just a quiet bath with some essential oils, a candle, and perhaps a book – and if there are any other humans in your household – an ‘off limits’ for 2 hours.

I will be with two new little babies soon, as my twins’ birth is just around the corner (eek) and I am going to do my absolute BEST to keep up with this ‘Self Care Sunday’.

So, what do you have planned for this Sunday?

*Nanobébé is thrilled to welcome guest bloggers. The views and opinions represented in these blog posts belong solely to the guest blogger and are not the legal responsibility of the company. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the guest blogger and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions of information nor for the availability of this information.

Nicole Brodie

Nicole is a wife and mother of one, with twins on the way. Nicole created the first fitness and wellbeing course to help women on their journey to pregnancy. It is an innovative and unique fitness regime that is specifically designed to exercise and nurture the body ahead of pregnancy. Her passion also includes helping women in all stages of their journey to feel great from the inside out - with tips, advice and health programs. You can connect with Nicole via her Fit Fab & Healthy group.

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